Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the many aspects of pregnancy that contribute to low back pain (LBP) including hormonal, chemical, biomechanical, and psychological changes that occur throughout pregnancy. In Part 2, we looked at the results of several studies showing that chiropractic care can help reduce low back pain (LBP) both during [..]
Back pain can become both more frequent and more intense as a pregnancy enters into the second and (especially) the third trimester. This is because the biomechanical changes that accompany pregnancy occur too fast for the body to properly adapt.
Besides the usual suggestions of bed rest, taking frequent breaks, using cold packs, and the [..]
Did you know that between 50% of all pregnant women suffer from back pain and 50-75% experience back pain during labor?
There are MANY reasons why back pain becomes an issue for women during their pregnancy. The first and most obvious reason is the displaced weight gain of 25-35 pounds (on average) resulting in pain [..]
In previous articles, we’ve explored how to individualize an exercise program for those with back pain. This month, we’ll look at why utilizing a Swiss ball may be more helpful for the back pain patient than simply doing floor-based exercises.
In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, researchers assigned [..]
It’s not uncommon for low back pain patients to reduce their activities in an effort to avoid their pain. Unfortunately, it's likely their core muscles—the muscles that help support their midsection—will become deconditioned over time due to inactivity, which may only increase the risk of further injury. Therefore, to effectively improve one's low back pain [..]
Low back pain (LBP) is a very common problem that affects most of us at some point in life and for some, it’s a daily issue. Through education and research, researchers have found low back-specific exercises can not only help get rid of LBP but can also prevent future exacerbations or episodes. Like brushing our [..]
In 2008, a study published in the journal Spine sought to identify EARLY PREDICTORS in an effort to reduce the number of low back pain (LBP) patients who go on to experience long-term disability. Researchers followed 1,885 low back injury claimants for a year and then later reviewed data collected during the first three weeks [..]
Previously, we discussed how herniated disks can resorb all by themselves, especially large herniated disks. But what about a damaged nerve—can it self-repair too?
First, it’s important to realize that damage can occur when enough pressure is applied to any living tissue. The anatomy of our nerves includes many micro-structures such as the blood vessels [..]
Low back pain (LBP) from a herniated disk often leads to surgical intervention. However, there are patients with this painful malady who can successfully “ride it out” and repeat MRI imaging six to twelve months later often fails to show little, if any, evidence of the original herniated disk that was initially very obvious. How [..]
According to the National Institutes of Health, circadian rhythms include physical, mental, and behavioral changes that roughly follow a 24-hour cycle, responding largely to environmental light and darkness. Most living things possess this trait including animals, plants, and many microbes.
So how does this relate to low back pain? Recent studies reveal that the intervertebral [..]