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Archive for the 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome' Category

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Sports

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common and well-known entrapment neuropathy, or pinched nerve in the extremities. Many people think that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affects only computer workers or assembly-line workers, but that is far from the truth. Though CTS can affect anyone, it’s quite common in athletes. Surprised? Let’s take a closer [..]

When It's Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...

Numbness in the hand is a common problem that we’ve all had at one time or another, and unless it becomes frequent, we usually don’t worry too much about it. When it starts to wake us up at night, that SHOULD get our attention! Since carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common [..]

Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Prevented?

Let’s say you’ve applied for a job that requires frequent gripping and handling of products and you heard that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a problem at this particular manufacturing plant. You really need the job, but you are leery of the possibilities of developing CTS. Is there anything you can do to PREVENT it? [..]

CTS and Other Causes of Hand Numbness

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve is compressed at the wrist. However, there are other anatomical locations in which the median nerve can experience interference, and the median nerve is not the only nerve that ventures into the hand. So if you experience a symptom like hand numbness, CTS may not be [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – OVERVIEW (Part 2)

This discussion picks up from last month as we review the “nuts & bolts” of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). We left off at “CLINICAL PRESENTATION”… CLINICAL PRESENTATION (continued): A weakness in grip and pinch strength usually follows an initial loss of sensation in the second to fourth palm-side fingers. The intensity of weakness is more [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – OVERVIEW (Part 1)

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) represents a collection of signs and symptoms resulting from the compression or pinching of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel at the wrist. In this overview, you will see why CTS can be a challenging ailment to diagnose and treat. SYMPTOMS: Numbness, tingling, and pain. Less commonly, [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - More Than Just a Wrist Problem

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that affects around 6-12% of the population and can result in significant pain and disability. The financial costs associated with CTS can be staggering – ranging from $45,000 to $89,000 per patient over a six-year period when productivity loses are taken into account. Historically, doctors and researchers [..]

Treatment Option Comparison for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) results from the compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist. Classic symptoms associated with CTS include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the thumb, index, middle, and ring finger. In non-emergency situations, treatment guidelines recommend patients undergo conservative care before considering more invasive procedures, like surgery. This month’s [..]

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that arises when the median nerve becomes compressed as it travels through the bony tunnel made up of the eight small carpal bones of the wrist. Its symptoms include pain, numbness, and tingling in the thumb, index, middle, and thumb-side half of the ring finger. If the pressure [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Body Type

Is there a relationship between carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and body mass index (BMI)? A 1994 study focused on 949 patients who presented with right arm numbness and tingling. In the study, the patients underwent electromyography and nerve conduction velocity (EMG/NCV)—the “gold standard” of tests to diagnose nerve injuries in conditions such as CTS. Researchers [..]