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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Pregnancy

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that we typically associate with overuse activities, especially occupations that require fast, repetitive hand work such as typing, sewing, and packaging. However, the hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy can also lead to swelling or inflammation in the wrist, and subsequently, the symptoms associated with CTS.  A 2019 [..]

Hip Problem, Back Problem, or Both?

Hip Problem, Back Problem, or Both?

Musculoskeletal conditions drive millions of patients to doctor’s offices each year, with back and hip pain being among the most common. Because the hip and low back neighbor one another in the body, these conditions often overlap, with only one of the two being diagnosed. This can lead to inadequate treatment, unnecessary costs, and unsatisfying [..]

The Link Between Whiplash and Jaw Pain

The Link Between Whiplash and Jaw Pain

While neck pain is most commonly associated with whiplash associated disorder (WAD), patients often report jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain following a car accident, sport injury, or slip and fall. Common symptoms associated with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) include pain in the jaw joint area (in front of the ear), neck and shoulder pain, ear [..]

Detoxing from Social Media and Electronic Devices

Detoxing from Social Media and Electronic Devices

The ability to take out a small device and check email, take photos, interact with friends, play games, and answer almost any question seemed like a great idea when smartphones and social media debuted over a decade ago; but in recent years, several studies have looked at the downsides associated with heavy social media and [..]

The Short Leg, Levers, and Low Back Pain

The Short Leg, Levers, and Low Back Pain

Chiropractic Analysisand Management For decades, chiropractic and spinal manipulation has proven to be very effective for the management of low back pain (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). Yet, chiropractic does not fix or improve all patients. Some patient’s problems are more complex making [..]

Beliefs About Back Pain

Beliefs About Back Pain

Since the late 1980s, researchers have embraced the biopsychosocial model (BPS) to understand both the causative and prognostic factors associated with neuromusculoskeletal disorders, which includes back pain. In order to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients with back pain, it’s important to understand the role that factors outside of the biomechanical injury model play [..]

Chiropractic Treatment for Wry Neck

Chiropractic Treatment for Wry Neck

Wry neck, also known as torticollis, is a painful condition in which the top of the head usually tilts to one side while the chin rotates to the opposite side. Torticollis can have several causes from infection (cold, flu, or otitis media, for example) to sleeping in a draft; however, the cause is usually unknown [..]

Chiropractic Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractic Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When someone is diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), there seems to be an automatic assumption that surgery is imminent or at least inevitable. However, treatment guidelines for CTS that are intended to be followed by ALL healthcare professionals ALWAYS recommend an initial course of non-surgical treatment, NOT jumping directly to surgery. Unfortunately, evidence-based treatment [..]

Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder

Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is caused when the smooth cartilage surface of an articulating/moving joint wears away until there is bone-on-bone contact that results in both loss of movement and pain. Although OA most commonly affects the joints under the greatest load (the hips and the knees), it can [..]

Whiplash and Tinnitus

Whiplash and Tinnitus

While tinnitus is commonly associated with a ringing sound in the ears, it can also involve a buzzing, hissing, or whistling noise. The sound can be intermittent or constant and can change in volume. The noise often intensifies in a quiet room when background noise is absent, such as at night, which can interfere with [..]

Walking Backward Boosts Memory

Walking Backward Boosts Memory

We previously discussed how walking backward can strengthen the low back extensor muscles, which can aid in both the treatment and prevention of back pain. According to a study published in the January 2019 issue of the journal Cognition, walking backward (or even watching a video simulating backward motion) may also improve one’s memory. The [..]

Chiropractic Manipulation for Migraine Headache: The Evidence Continues to Grow

Chiropractic Manipulation for Migraine Headache: The Evidence Continues to Grow

The total sum of suffering caused by migraine headache is higher than any other kind of headache (1). About 38 million adults in the United States are migraine sufferers, and 91% experience migraine-associated disability (2, 3, 4). Migraine headache is often incapacitating, with considerable impact on social activities and work, and may lead to significant [..]